Be a VIP Perk

Portland Film Festival

Our Audience is Unique. And Our Loyalty Program is too.

When it comes to strengthening consumer loyalty toward your brand, what are you doing to keep your buyers engaged and coming back for more? Given the fact that repeat customers spend 33% more than new customers, a loyalty program that helps grow positive brand feeling is measurably valuable.

Our VIP Perks program provides a combination of brand marketing and financial incentive designed to increase consumer loyalty and improve participation. With an array of options available around each venue, we will reinforce your relevance—reminding our audience during the festival both in print, on screen and online. That’s our perks promise.

Less than 2 days left for film entry—submit your film by July 2, 2024, Midnight PST.

The Portland Film Festival established itself as one of Portland’s first indie film non-profits, founded in 2013 with Portland’s first movie meetup, the Portland Film Club. Its hundreds of screenings, events, education programs, and community partnerships provide a remarkable experience for our diverse audience to connect with filmmakers working across genres and forms.