Day 2 – Volunteer Training & Social with the Portland Film Festival

Come show your support for local film and meetup with the 2016 Portland Film Festival on Wednesday & Thursday – 8/24 & 8/25 – From 5:30-8:30

Learn about the fest, and train with us as we get ready for the Portland Film Festival!

HOW TO GET TO THE ROOFTOP GARDEN:- Enter through the door at 1015 NW 11th Ave ( Pearl District) – Get in the elvator and go to the first floor. – Turn to the right, and you’ll be there!

We are looking for voluteers to work the Portland Film Festival between August 29th – September 5th.

Get into films at no charge and enjoy hanging out with the community!!

There are a handful of departsments that need your help!

Tell some pals! We look forward to seeing you!

Less than 2 days left for film entry—submit your film by July 2, 2024, Midnight PST.

The Portland Film Festival established itself as one of Portland’s first indie film non-profits, founded in 2013 with Portland’s first movie meetup, the Portland Film Club. Its hundreds of screenings, events, education programs, and community partnerships provide a remarkable experience for our diverse audience to connect with filmmakers working across genres and forms.