Saturday, 16 Sep 2017 12:15 PM
Neighborhood Matinee and PDXFF Poster Party
Sat 9/16: MOTHER! at Lloyd Center Regal Cinemas. Let’s go see a weekend matinee in a different neighborhood theater. Afterwards, let’s canvas the area around the theater and put up posters for the Portland Film Festival.
Feel free to come to the movie, come to help put up posters, or both! The movie will start at approximately 12-1 PM and the Poster Party will start at approximately 2-3 PM. The exact time and location will be determined (and updated here) when the movie times are listed, but it’ll be downtown and it’ll be the first screening of the day.
This week we’re watching Mother! at Lloyd Center. Then we’ll distribute Portland Film Festival posters around the neighborhood. If you help put up posters, we will pay for your movie ticket! Show up early.
MOTHER! is the latest film from writer/director Darren Aronofsky (Pi, Requiem for a Dream, The Wrestler, Black Swan). A young woman’s (Jennifer Lawrence) tranquil life with her husband (Javier Bardem) at their remote country home is challenged by a mysterious couple (Ed Harris and Michelle Pfeiffer) who arrive and lodge with them.
Director: Darren Aronofsky
Country: USA
Genre: Drama | Horror| Mystery
Year: 2017
Run Time: 1h 55min
Language: English
Cast: Jennifer Lawrence, Javier Bardem, Michelle Pfeiffer, Ed Harris
Venice Film Festival 2017
Toronto International Film Festival 2017
San Sebastián Film Festival 2017
Deauville American Film Festival Premiere 2017
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Don’t forget
DO YOU LIKE INDEPENDENT FILM? Don’t miss out on this years Portland Film Festival sponsored by Comcast. The festival is held October 30th to November 5th. Watch movies from most genres—even learn how to make one. Find out more information and buy passes now at
LIMITED TIME: Early-bird passes on sale now!
Festival trailer: