Women’s Stories – Indie Film Series 24/25 at McMenamin’s Kennedy School, Portland Oregon March 5th 2024

Portland Film Festival Indie Film Series March 5 2024 Women's Stories with two young people on a bench

Don’t miss out on this exclusive event! To celebrate Women’s History Month, we’re showcasing Women’s Stories, featuring local producer Jacklyn, and an insightful documentary about dedicated female immigration attorneys tackling the migrant crisis.

Be part of the Portland Film Festival’s Indie Film Series 24/25. Every first Tuesday, transform your evening into an adventure at McMenamin’s Kennedy School. Save the date – March 5th, for the best of indie cinema. The stories of powerful women await you!

Be part of this cinematic journey. Engage with groundbreaking works, including films from local talents. Each screening is an opportunity to connect with creators, thinkers, and fellow film enthusiasts in a vibrant community setting. Here, every film is not just a screening but a conversation, a step towards understanding and change. Be there, where stories come alive.

Buy tickets now. Link to purchase tickets: https://www.mcmenamins.com/events/250578-portland-film-festival-monthly-indie-film-night

Less than 2 days left for film entry—submit your film by July 2, 2024, Midnight PST.

The Portland Film Festival established itself as one of Portland’s first indie film non-profits, founded in 2013 with Portland’s first movie meetup, the Portland Film Club. Its hundreds of screenings, events, education programs, and community partnerships provide a remarkable experience for our diverse audience to connect with filmmakers working across genres and forms.