HORROR – Indie Film Series at McMenamin’s Kennedy School, Portland Oregon Tuesday August 6th 2024

Unsettling masked human with golden leather glove staring out through face wrappings. Support Independent Voices image for Portland Film Festival's Indie Film Series

The Portland Film Festival’s Indie Film Series is proud to present two films centering around the genre of horror: Beltane and a feature film Moon Garden. BUY TICKETS NOW!

Films will be shown at the McMenamin’s Kennedy School Theater in Portland Oregon. BUY TICKETS NOW!

Closeup facial image of Carys Watford with eyes looking downward; camera gear in background.

Short: BeltaneDirector: Carys Watford
When two old college friends reunite for a hike through a remote English countryside on May Day weekend, they discover the village to be hiding a terrifying tradition.

2023 Portland Film Festival winner for Best Midnight Movie

Director Ryan Stevens Harris holding a microphone in front of a black and red backdrop

Feature: Moon GardenDirector: Ryan Stevens Harris
When a little girl has a terrible accident and slips into a coma, she finds herself thrust into a darkly surreal industrial dreamworld. Haunted by a nightmarish spectre that feeds off her tears, she must follow her mother’s radio-static voice to find her way back to consciousness.


Less than 2 days left for film entry—submit your film by July 2, 2024, Midnight PST.

The Portland Film Festival established itself as one of Portland’s first indie film non-profits, founded in 2013 with Portland’s first movie meetup, the Portland Film Club. Its hundreds of screenings, events, education programs, and community partnerships provide a remarkable experience for our diverse audience to connect with filmmakers working across genres and forms.