PORTLAND STORIES Indie Film Series at McMenamin’s Kennedy School, Portland Oregon Tuesday October 1st 2024

The Portland Film Festival’s Indie Film Series is proud to present two films featuring Portland directors: a short film Feelings Experiment and a feature film Sing to Me SylvieBUY TICKETS NOW!

Sing to Me Sylvie by Director Janette Bloom 2021
Janette Bloom Director of Sing-to-me-Sylvie
Director: Janette Bloom

Sing to Me Sylvie: Ten years after a failed music career, Sylvie runs into her former bandmate David, now busking and living on the streets of Portland, and offers him a place to stay for three days while her husband is away, forcing them to confront their complicated history with music.  BUY TICKETS NOW!

Feelings Experiment ( A proof of concept short film)
Feeling Experiment
Dawn Jones Redstone
Director: Dawn Jones Redstone

Feeling Experiment stars Ashley Song as a woman who agrees to have an experimental device attached to her in order to re-grow her capacity to feel emotions again. This film explores emotion in an unpredictable world. The director invites you to, “Come see something weird and fun that we made.”


Less than 2 days left for film entry—submit your film by July 2, 2024, Midnight PST.

The Portland Film Festival established itself as one of Portland’s first indie film non-profits, founded in 2013 with Portland’s first movie meetup, the Portland Film Club. Its hundreds of screenings, events, education programs, and community partnerships provide a remarkable experience for our diverse audience to connect with filmmakers working across genres and forms.